• 10 Top gifts for bird lovers

    10 Top gifts for bird lovers

    At Birding The Strait we have made a compilation of 10 top gifts for bird lovers. We hope these ideas help you get your gifts right this Christmas! gift ideas list 1. Alba and the old crane Children’s tale Alba and the old crane, published by the Friends of Janda Association. In this children’s story,…

  • Pelagic birding in Tarifa

    Pelagic birding in Tarifa

    Last Saturday 12th of June we run a new excursion for pelagic birding in Tarifa. This time, our main target was to observe and photograph shearwaters off the Strait of Gibraltar. At 7:30 AM we set sail from the port of Tarifa with very calm sea. Just 10 minutes later we came across a large…

  • Pelagic Birding Trips in Cadiz

    Pelagic Birding Trips in Cadiz

    Ship ahoy! Summer is coming and our Boat Trips to observe and photograph seabirds too!  As you know, this spring we have organized several boat trips to enjoy the Puffin migration in the Strait of Gibraltar. Observing Puffins at close range in breeding plumage (and bill!) in the Iberian Peninsula has been an innovative and great experience. Next…

  • Global Big Day in Andalucia

    Global Big Day in Andalucia

    One more year, Birding The Strait has participated in the Global Big Day in Andalucia. This time, we planned a route in the province of Cadiz, from Doñana to the Strait of Gibraltar. We decided to skip the Grazalema mountains in order to reduce the mileage and increase the effective birding time. All in all,…

  • Nature conservation in Andalucia – Nest boxes for raptors with 14KM

    Nature conservation in Andalucia – Nest boxes for raptors with 14KM

    Nature conservation in Andalucia is one of our main concerns at Birding The Strait. On this link to our website, you will find more information about the conservation projects we enthusiastically collaborate with. Given the Covid pandemic, we have not been able to fullfill our scheduled programme of wildlife tours in 2020. This, in turn,…

  • October Big Day 2020: our plan for the biggest day of the season!

    As some of you know, October Big Day 2020 is coming! It will be on 17 October 2020 and we have a plan to make the most out of it. This is an initiative of Cornell Lab of Ornithology which basically consists on uploading as many bird lists to eBird as possible in 24 hours.…

  • Birding Boat Trip in Cadiz

    On Tuesday 15th of September, we ran another Birding Boat Trip in Cadiz. It made our third pelagic so far this summer off the Gulf of Cádiz, Andalusia. Our previous pelagics this year took place on the 23rd of July and the 1st of September. This time we departed at 9:00 am from the port…

  • Pelagic Birding Trip in Andalucia – July 2020

    Last Sunday 26th of July we ran our first Pelagic Birding Trip in Andalucia of 2020. This way, we continued the pelagic trips in the Gulf of Cadiz we started in 2019. At 7:45 AM the group met at the port of Rota (Cádiz): eight avid Spanish and British birders arrived from Cádiz, Málaga, Granada, Almería…

  • Active Tourism and Covid-19: birding in lockdown lifting period

    As mentioned in our Coronavirus Statement last March: The health and safety of our clients and society at large is unquestionably our top priority. This way, during the first period of lockdown in Spain, we have restricted our activity to teleworking and birding at home. However, now it’s the time to start birding in lockdown…