This summer is bringing long-awaited books to the ornithological community. While we are still marveling with the Handbook of the Western Paleartic Birds, August brings “African Raptors” by Bill Clark and Rob Davies.
African Raptors
Africa is the continent of Raptors and, therefore, this comprehensive work will certainly fill a gap in the specialized literature. The book features all the 106 African Raptors. It includes colour plates by Rob Davies and over 300 photographs. In Birding the Strait we are pleased to have contributed to this work with some of our pictures, including: Black Kite, Egyptian Vulture, Rüppell’s Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Montagu’s Harrier, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Bonelli’s Eagle and Lesser Kestrel.

The Old Times
Inevitably, all this reminds us of the visit by Bill Clark and his team to Tarifa back in 2001. Indeed, it was with him that we photographed our first Rüppell’s Vulture in the Strait of Gibraltar. At that time the published information on this African species was frustratingly scarce. This was especially true regarding immature plumages. For that reason, Bill’s first-hand information came as a real treasure.

As raptor enthusiasts based in the Strait of Gibraltar we receive this work with big interest and high expectation. You can find more information about the book here. Thanks Bill!