Ship ahoy! Summer is coming and our Boat Trips to observe and photograph seabirds too!
As you know, this spring we have organized several boat trips to enjoy the Puffin migration in the Strait of Gibraltar. Observing Puffins at close range in breeding plumage (and bill!) in the Iberian Peninsula has been an innovative and great experience. Next year we will be back with Puffin The Strait!

On the 12 of June 2021 we will sail off Tarifa. Our main target will be the critically endangered Balearic Shearwaters leaving the Mediterranean. Moreover, we may come across some of the Sperm Whales that visit us at this time of the year!

And we already have departure dates for our Pelagics off the Gulf of Cádiz this summer: July 17, 24 and 31 and August 14 and 21, 2021. We will set sail from Chipiona and Rota in small groups. Here and here you have the chronicles of some previous excursions to whet your appetite.

Registration is now open! Drop us an email for further info.
See you on board!