Next Saturday, March 9th, we will participate in the Global Big Day 2020. This initiative, promoted by eBird, aims to gather the maximum number of people birding simultaneously all over the world.
In 2019, over 35.000 persons from 127 countries participated. This joint effort generated over 90.000 checklists, totalling 6.967 species!
The Global Big Day provides real time information on the status of the birds on the planet. Moreover, it strengthens bonds between observers from different regions of the world.
Birding The Strait and Whitehawk Birding

As we do every year, the guides from Birding The Strait will be joining the Global Big Day 2020. Moreover, this year we will do it together with our colleagues in our sister company Whitehawk Birding, from Panama. Our joint Global Big Day will commence on the 9th of May at 00:00 (UTC +2) in Tarifa, Spain; and end at 24:00 on the same day in Los Angeles, USA (UTC -7). This way, we will be birding nonstop for 33 hours, within a single day!
This year, our efforts will be ruled by the Covid-19 restrictions. However, this will not affect our enthusiasm at all. Indeed, given the current lockdown circumstances, the number of submitted checklist will be prioritized over the number of reported species.
Global Big Day 2020 in Spain

At the moment, the three members of Birding The Strait are in Tarifa. For this reason, our Global Big Day will be focused on the birds of the strait of Gibraltar, in Cádiz province.
Rafa, along with Hera, his Andalusian Terrier, will survey the surrounding of the old town of Tarifa. Here, he will search for the famous local Common Bulbul and the colony of Lesser Kestrels breeding at the Castle, among others.
Javi will take a stroll along the sea promenade of Tarifa with his baby son Leo. Here, he expects to find good numbers of Balearic Shearwaters, in addition to great views over the coast of Africa. Wind direction permitting, Honey Buzzards might be on the move too.
Yeray, who lives in the countryside, will work on his lists in El Estrecho Natural Park. Indeed, he will be birding close to Cazalla Bird Observatory, in Tarifa. This is an outstanding location to find migrant species and, perhaps, get to hear an Eagle Owl at night!
Global Big Day 2020 in America

Angel, at his home in Clayton, Panama City, will have good fun birding in his backyard. His bird feeder is regularly visited by Whooping Motmots, Blue-gray Tanagers and, of course, the widespread and urban Clay-colored Thrush. Moreover, his home is not far from Camino de Cruces National Park, thus anything is possible!
Edwin will be in downtown of Panama City. Here, he expects to report the locally common species including Crimson-backed Tanager, Ruddy Ground-Dove and Yellow-crowned Euphonia. Hopefully, he might connect with a Zone-tailed Hawk and Ringed Kingfisher. He will be joined by his daughters Sofia and Luana, and his wife Diana. Moreover, he will persuade his nieces and neighbours to join him too, always complying the sanitary guidelines that the current situation requires.
Jenn will be birding at her home in Arraijan, Panama. She will be birding together with her partner, and bird guide as well, Domi, and their 2 years old daughter Bianca. Her backyard is located at a new and open neighbourhood, which attracts nice resident raptors such as Yellow-headed Caracara and American Kestrel. Different species of parakeets and swallows will be additional targets for them.
Finally, Marta will be birding by herself around Burbank, in southern California, along the Los Angeles River. Here, she will get good chances to see Anna’s Hummingbird, California Scrub-Jay and California Thrasher. We do love thrashers!
Follow us during the #GlobalBigDay
We will keep reporting our sightings in real time. You can follow us on Whitehawk and Birding The Strait Facebook and Twitter profiles. Moreover, we will attempt to report live streaming, stay tuned !