“Autumn” (July-October) and “Spring” (February-May) are the periods when massive numbers of raptors cross Andalusia on migration to and back from Africa. However, Winter time, when migrant raptors are South of the Sahara, is probably the best momment to enjoy the largest, non migratory and iconic eagles of Spain, namely Golden, Bonelli´s and Spanish Imperial Eagle.
A significant number of juvenile and immature eagles from all over the Iberian Peninsula disperse South and reach Andalusia. Here, they concentrate in regions where food sources are abundant. This is the case of the Bonellí´s Eagle. Indeed, up to 15 (!) different individuals have been recorded simultaneously in La Janda, the Strait of Gibraltar, in previous weeks.
Adult eagles, released now from the chick rearing duties, get engaged in a new breeding season. This way, in January eagles become notaby showy while performing spectacular aerial courtship displays around their territories. This often leads to aggressive interactions, specially when an intruder enters an active breeding territory.
The following video shows the reaction of a pair of adult Spanish Imperial Eagles when they detect the presence of an immature Golden Eagle within their home range (set it to HD).
Furthermore, over the last winters, an unprecented presence of Lesser and Greatter Spotted Eagles has been recorded in La Janda region. If this were not enough, hybrids between both species have been observed as well, and an adult Steppe Eagle is overwintering in the same area!
Beyond La Janda, we have been recently testing different photography hides in Sierra Morena, Central Andalusia. This has been a very successful experience full of great observations and pictures! Photographing large Eagles from hides is a perfect addition to our wildlife photography trips and courses in the Strait of Gibraltar.
The following pictures show part of our work . The comfort and reliability of these hides are unquestionable. Feel free to contact Birding The Strait if you want to enjoy this ultimate wildlife photography experience in Andalusia.